
Saint-Cloud (92)

Project owner Privé
Delivery 2019
Surface 4 750m² 70-unit
Cost 14M€
Project manager Antonio Blanco
Credits Studio Vincent Eschalier et Arnaud Sabatier

Project owner Privé
Delivery 2019
Surface 4 750m² 70-unit
Cost 14M€
Project manager Antonio Blanco
Credits Studio Vincent Eschalier et Arnaud Sabatier


This 70-unit project is part of a private competition, the ambition of which is to build a building on steeply sloping ground. The Studio imagines a ten-storey building constructed in a staircase to enhance the creation of outdoor spaces and give scope to the project.


A game of verticality and horizontality is created by an alternation of simplex and duplex housing which offers a “townhouse” format with gardens or large terraces. This structure is also designed at an angle to bring individuality to each accommodation and benefit from an interesting exposure.


The white concrete architecture brings character to the place and sets it apart from neighbouring buildings. This minerality is softened by the presence of wood which makes the link with the gardens.


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